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Spiritual Hypnosis

Throughout the history of hypnosis, and since the first psychological theories of Sigmund Freud, we have understood that there are two aspects of consciousness that come into play in the hypnotic process: the conscious and the subconscious. There exists a third aspect of consciousness: the higher Self or the transcendent aspect of consciousness or the super consciousness.

The higher Self, a spiritual, wise, and infinite aspect of our consciousness, can be directly accessed and engaged as the inner therapist/healer in the hypnotherapy process. It is an aspect of human consciousness that goes beyond our waking, ordinary ego consciousness that embodies, presents, or can access certain wisdom not experienced in normal consciousness. The higher Self is said to be a distinct part or function of the individual. It is an entity in itself, with consciousness or awareness like the ego, and it is assumed to be a part of everyone. It witnesses the person’s experiences.

It is non-punitive, objective, and non-judgmental. Its orientation is towards higher values, life purpose, healthy emotional and mental development and spiritual qualities. This perennial wisdom seems to recommend an inner search involving some sort of meditative or yogic discipline and discovery and identification with a higher or true Self.

By directly invoking the higher Self and by facilitating a technique of voicedialogue, the higher Self can become a resource for inner guidance and self-healing in the hypnotherapy process. In the hypnotherapy session, the facilitator or hypnotherapist can ask the client’s higher Self or voice of spirit to be the inner guide and director for the client. The hypnotherapist aligns with this part of the client through direct dialogue and verbal exchange.

Similarly, while in trance, the client is helped to connect with one’s Spirit Guides, Guardian Angels, Archangels, the Supreme Being or the Creator for help & guidance on their journey through life. One is guided on one’s soul purpose & their role on Earth. It also facilitates immense wisdom of the spiritual world & karmic cleansing through the 15th step technique.

Spiritual hypnotherapy is combining scientific hypnotic principles and psychic cleaning tools to help us wake up to our true identity as spirit and rise in vibration to heal our body and live a wonderful life through these bodies.

Progression Therapy

Progression therapy is similar to regression therapy, except that it looks at future events instead of focusing on the past. The world has always had prophets, clairvoyants and psychics who predict future events. Psychics are absolutely remarkable in terms of their ability to peer into tomorrow.

Many predictions and events are recorded in the great religious books, such as The Bible and all religions have predictions about future events, which were envisioned by “inspired prophets.”

The point of Progression / Regression Therapy is not whether we believe in reincarnation or not, or what the therapist personally believes. The purpose of these therapy methods is to provide a healing consolidating effect, to widen choices and to establish beneficial aims and purpose in life.

The future very much depends on the belief that there is a next moment, a tomorrow and so forth. The future is a perspective. Progression Therapy examines life from two perspectives:

Firstly, it accepts that there is a tomorrow, whether it is the tomorrow of the present life or in the future lives. In other words, it assumes that life will continue beyond today.

The second perspective is that whatever we do today projects certain probabilities into the future and with varying degrees of accuracy.

Progression Therapy is a dynamic and vital therapeutic modality, embracing many traditional and non-traditional disciplines.

Progression Therapy is client-centered. Its focus lies in the discovery of the origin of a client’s issues. Through the process of progression, the sub-conscious mind finds the future outcome based on the current context. That then gives the client the opportunity to make better informed judgments about the obstacles to achieve the best outcome.

Progression therapy helps to set goals in the now by exploring the event avenues our choices pave for us into the future.  Past and future are in reality only patterns of behavior we put together in a developing context.

It may very well be that some habits we have picked up in the past may have served our purpose then but may no longer be to our benefit in the present or in the future.

Progression Therapy can help to make us more informed about our choices, eliminate fears and replace them with purposeful and beneficial feelings, thoughts and well-being.

During Progression Therapy, we are often presented with up to five choices of differing outcomes based on a current position or life.

There are three types of Progression Therapy, all dealing with the ability to choose different outcomes and paths:

Present Life Progression deals with issues that may occur in future of our current life based on current patterns and choice making ability.

Future Life Progression allows the fore-call of our memories, experiences, and emotions involved with “future” life experiences that influence individual’s present day behaviour and being on a sub-conscious level and shape the way of things to come.

Life between Lives Progression allows the recall of memories between life cycles of our current and future lives. These are very helpful as they shed light and give a much greater overview on choices made for the soul lessons to be learned in this life and many others.

By allowing those coming influences and patterns from the future to be expressed in present day awareness, it is possible to shape our perception and the goals to be attained.

Life Between Lives Regression Therapy

Life-Between-Lives Regression takes the client into the state in-between lives, where debriefs and planning for the different lives occurs. LBL offers a sweeping view of the overall soul’s journey, which not only leads to a much richer soul-based experience and healing process, but also a deeper understanding of your place in the universe.

Life-Between-Lives regression allows us access to soul memories and to connect with their soul-self. You will bridge your physical incarnations and connect with immortal life in the spirit world.

Connected to our eternal self, we are able to see an entire evolutionary karmic growth pattern while mentally residing in the world between lives that is our true home. We learn why bodies and lives were chosen; the fit between the experiences encountered in past and present lives; and the lessons they brought. Clients are able to find the answers to age-old questions such as: “Who am I?” “Why did I choose this life ?” and “What is my purpose?”. There are some questions that can only be answered from your higher soul, and this is a fantastic way to get in touch with that incredible ‘real’ you!

One of the most profound spiritual components available to individuals whoundergo Life-Between-Lives spiritual regression is direct contact with the personal teachers, angels and spirit guides.

Through years of clinical observation it has been noted that a single LBL session promotes enduring positive changes to a client’s life and understanding of purpose. Clients consistently report that finding their place both in the physical world and in the eternal spirit world is the most significant work they have done.

Regression Therapy

We carry the scars of our past with us in our sub-conscious mind which is a repository of all our past experiences. Every experience is saved in great detail. While the client is relaxed and in a perfectly safe environment, a regression therapist is able to access the root of their current problem & address it thereby, resolving the current life problems & conflicts.

Regression therapy involves going back to a person’s past in order to seek healing or to find reasons for current behaviour and thinking patterns. It is a process used for tapping into your mind to uncover past issues through hypnotherapy, guided meditation or visualization.

Age Regression Therapy is a process in which the patient returns to an earlier stage of life in order to explore a memory or to get in touch with some difficult-to-access aspect of their personality. It helps improve the quality of life, in terms of daily experiences, and on a larger scale, in terms of the obstacles and challenges each individual must face. With proper guidance and support, the client can focus on the positive and release the negative, and seek a future with integrity, balance and bliss.

Past Life Regression Therapy (PLT) allows unconscious experiencesfrom past life traumas or emotionally charged events to become fully conscious. It helps resolve any unconscious, survival-based scripts that could be negatively affecting one’s present health, behaviors or quality of life. It can allow for a more thorough resolution since it gives the mind permission to locate past life sources affecting present day challenges or obstacles. PLT can uncover patterns and unconscious dialogue from many lifetimes of trauma or confusion associated with an event and that individuals often re-create similar experiences unconsciously as an attempt to complete or heal an unresolved past life experience.

PLT is most effective in the following types of cases:

  • Physical problems where the medical tests do not reveal the cause and no traditional medical procedures work.
  • Problems that the traditional medical world may consider untreatable.
  • Behavioral problems, like obsessive-compulsive behavior, which have no diagnosable cause in the current life.
  • Fears & phobias that have no known origin in the current life.
  • Relationship problems that are totally unexplainable.
  • Spiritual likes or dislikes (usually extreme cases).
  • Weight reduction problems.
  • Asthma & various other ailments

Life-Between-Lives Regression (LBL) takes the client into the state in-between lives, where debriefs and planning for the different lives occurs. LBL offers a sweeping view of the overall soul’s journey, which not only leads to a much richer soul-based experience and healing process, but also a deeper understanding of your place in the universe.

Life-Between-Lives regression allows us access to soul memories and to connect with their soul-self. You will bridge your physical incarnations and connect with immortal life in the spirit world.
Connected to our eternal self, we are able to see an entire evolutionary karmic growth pattern while mentally residing in the world between lives that is our true home. We learn why bodies and lives were chosen; the fit between the experiences encountered in past and present lives; and the lessons they brought. Clients are able to find the answers to age-old questions such as: “Who am I?” “Why did I choose this life ?” and “What is my purpose?”. There are some questions that can only be answered from your higher soul, and this is a fantastic way to get in touch with that incredible ‘real’ you!
One of the most profound spiritual components available to individuals who undergo Life-Between-Lives spiritual regression is direct contact with the personal teachers, angels and spirit guides.
Through years of clinical observation it has been noted that a single LBL session promotes enduring positive changes to a client’s life and understanding of purpose. Clients consistently report that finding their place both in the physical world and in the eternal spirit world is the most significant work they have done.


Clinical Hypnotherapy

Hypnosis is a technique of communication that induces a trance or a deep meditative state. Trance is a naturally occurring state in which one’s attention is narrowly focused and relatively free of distractions. The focus of attention is so narrow that other stimuli in the environment are ignored or blocked out of conscious awareness during that time. With clinical hypnosis, the therapist can make suggestions designed to help the client formulate specific internal processes (feelings, memories, images and internal self-talk) that will lead to mutually-agreed-upon outcomes.

Hypnotic suggestions can influence behavior when the listener is:-

  • relaxed, receptive and open to the suggestions
  • experiences visual, auditory, and/or kinesthetic representations of the suggestions
  • anticipates and envisions that these suggestions will result in future outcomes.
  • These three criteria are facilitated through the use of “hypnotic language patterns.” Hypnotic language patterns include: guided visualization, stories, guided memories, analogies, ambiguous words or phrases, repetition, and statements about association, meaning, and cause-effect. Hypnotic techniques administered by qualified professionals are used to assist with the alleviation of a problem or condition, which has a psychological or psycho-physiological foundation.

Clearing Myths & Misconceptions:

  • Therapeutic hypnosis is not mind control or brainwashing.
  • During trance, you are not immobilized. You are consciously alert and remain oriented as to person, place, and time. You can even hold a conversation in trance.
  • Hypnosis cannot cause anyone to do or say something against their will or that contradicts their values.

Applications of Hypnotherapy:

Hypnosis has many applications in therapeutic settings. Among them are:

  • Building confidence
  • Relaxation during childbirth
  • Treating phobias, fears and anxiety
  • Sleep disorders and disturbances
  • Interpersonal problems
  • Depression
  • Sexual difficulties
  • Psychosomatic complaints
  • Post trauma relief
  • Pain management
  • Stress management
  • Habit control (drug addiction, alcoholism, smoking, nail biting, etc)
  • Academic performance
  • Athletic performance
  • Help with life transitions
  • Preparation for medical/dental procedures
  • Blocks in the way of motivation and creativity
  • Treatment of grief and loss
  • Physical illnesses such as cancer, arthritis, PCOD, infertility, migraines, irritable bowel
  • syndrome, enuresis, BP, Diabetes, etc
  • Improved academic skills
  • Improved quality of life

Registration Form


Aromatherapy is a form of therapy that uses volatile liquid plant materials, known as essential oils, and other scented compounds from plants for the treatment or prevention of diseases. It is a form of complementary therapy designed to treat the whole person and not just the symptom or disease by assisting the body’s natural ability to balance, regulate, heal and maintain itself.

Essential oils consist of tiny aromatic molecules that are readily absorbed via the skin, which while breathing they enter the lungs. These therapeutic constituents next enter the bloodstream and are carried around the body where they deliver their beneficial healing powers. Because they are highly concentrated, only a small quantity of essential oil is required to bring about results.

When good quality essential oils are used correctly, the soothing combination of beautiful aromas, massage, aromatic baths and other treatments work to regulate, balance, heal and maintain your entire being by working with nature, and not against it.

Today, aromatherapy is one of the most popular of all complementary therapies, offering a wide range of highly effective treatments to both the acute and chronic stages of illness and disease. All the same, regular use of aromatherapy treatments and home-use products can help to strengthen the immune system, thereby establishing a preventative approach to overall health.

One of the reasons that aromatherapy has been so hugely successful is because it uses a holistic approach, whereby the aromatherapist takes into account a person’s medical history, emotional condition, general health and lifestyle before planning a course of treatment. The person is treated whole & complete – not just the symptoms of an illness.

Press & Media Coverage

The Hindu Business Line, Pune – June 09, 2006

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