Frequently Asked Questions

What is Hypnosis?

Hypnosis is a method by which any person may be guided into an altered state of conscious awareness (‘hypnotic trance’) in which psychological and physical changes, beyond normal conscious capability, may be achieved.

What does Hypnosis feel like?

Hypnosis can feel radically different to different people, so I can’t tell you exactly what you’ll feel. The experience varies from person to person. But I can tell you this… It will be completely comfortable…you will relax completely… And you will have a profoundly incredible and positive experience. For most people, however, hypnosis is a pleasant state of deep inner calm and physical relaxation. Deep hypnosis is similar in many ways to the kind of profound trance found in expert yoga or meditation practitioners. The best way to learn about it is to experience it.

What is Hypnotherapy?

Hypnotherapy is basically any therapy done in conjunction with hypnotic trance. It is often classed as a form of complementary medicine but is perhaps better viewed as a branch of psychotherapy.

Hypnosis is not an occult or esoteric art; it is a scientifically acknowledged psychological and therapeutic discipline.

Does it work?

Yes. Hypnosis has fascinated psychologists and medical professionals for over two centuries and has been subject to a great deal of rigorous testing and research. It also has an enviable and long-standing reputation for effectiveness among the general public.

Is it officially recognised?

  • ‘Hypnotism’ is legally acknowledged and defined by the Hypnotism Act 1952 in the UK Book of Statutes.
  • In their 1892 Hypnotism Report, the British Medical Association (BMA) officially recognises the hypnotic trance: ‘The Committee, having completed such investigation of hypnotism as time permitted, have to report that they have satisfied themselves of the genuineness of the hypnotic state.’ The Committee also acknowledged that ‘as a therapeutic agent hypnotism is frequently effective in relieving pain, procuring sleep, and alleviating many functional ailments’ (BMA, 1892).
  • Hypnotherapy is approved by the American Medical Association in 1958.
  • This science has gained credence in India after 2002 once it was accredited as an acceptable therapeutic modality by The Union Ministry of Health.

Is Hypnotherapy like stage Hypnosis?

Stage hypnosis is slightly different from Hypnotherapy, however, it is real hypnosis and the effects produced are possible for everyone to experience. Some stage hypnotists do good work but others generate misconceptions about the nature of hypnotic trance, which leads to unfounded fears about hypnosis.
In Clinical Hypnotherapy, clients are never asked to do anything embarrassing or against their will. Clinical Hypnotherapists have an ethical code to use Hypnotic state only for therapeutic purpose.

What if I get” stuck” in Hynosis?

This is the most common fear that people ask me about. In the entire history of hypnosis, no one has ever gotten “stuck” in trance. You’ve never become permanently “stuck” daydreaming, have you? Of course not! While a few people are reluctant to “snap to”, just because hypnosis is so cool and feels so good, everyone comes out of hypnosis feeling great, refreshed and full of life. It is utterly impossible for anyone to get ‘stuck’ in hypnosis.

Is Hypnosis safe?

Absolutely. There are no known records of anyone having been physically or mentally harmed as a direct result of hypnosis itself.

Other Facts

  • Hypnotherapy is a completely safe and harmless form of psychological therapy.
  • Hypnosis is a state of altered awareness, notsleep orunconsciousness.
  • You are still in control of your own body and mind during hypnosis.
  • Hypnotism is officiallyrecognised andapproved by the British Medical Association & American Medical Association.